Radio programmes-related production
At the beginning of my career I was lucky enough to be paid good money for radio programme recording, which is one of my first loves. Give me a meaningful radio programme to produce, and I’m a very happy-chappy.
Later on, I was paid even better money to explore the depths of the field of programmes-related audio, and during the ‘90s while at Radio Hauraki, I became pretty good at ‘imaging/branding’ audio.
The audio file below is a compilation of my ‘programmes-related audio’ work at Radio Hauraki in the ‘90s. It’s a tightly edited mixture of ‘imaging audio’, trailers and promos. The scripts were not mine, and I’d often have to use voice takes recorded by someone else (and of course the received pronunciation has changed since those days). Apart from that, I had full discretion over the music choices, music edits, voice placement, voice effects and the most critical aspect of all……timing.
“It’s all in the timing!”
I feel I treated ‘imaging audio’ as an art form and have also enjoyed doing imaging audio for other radio formats; talk, easy-listening, classic pop, etc.